These sample scripts are very basic examples of what you can do with WebMiner. The scripts do not rely on any third-party AppleScript Scripting Extensions; all you need are the standard extensions bundled with MacOS 7.5 through 8.x.
Page AT&T, Page SkyWord:
These scripts are very similar; they access a Web Pager Gateway site and submit a form that will page an individual. If you have an AT&T or SkyWord Pager service, edit these scripts and put your PIN number and text message into the script. Running the script will cause a page to be sent to your pager.
Weather Radar Image:
This is a simple image handling example. It downloads a weather image from The Weather Channel's website <> and prompts you to save it to disk. The image is saved in PICT format.
Zip Code Lookup:
A simple form submission example (using POSTING) which can retrieve the standardized address and zip + 4 code for any United States postal address. The script is written to provide the address of the White House.
Web Page Analyzer:
This is a very useful script that will download any web page and analyze it. It creates a file listing every paragraph and its contents, every image and its source URL, and every table, and cell within each table, and each cell's contents.
This is handy when you need to extract Web data from a complex web page (i.e. one with nested tables). Simply run the Web Page Analyzer on the web page, and search through the output file for the data you want. Right above the data will be the correct paragraph, table cell, etc. that you need to reference for WebMiner to retrieve this information.